/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NAME: ABI_const.h // FUNCTION: A headfile // DESCRIPTION: This headfile define some constant parameters // REFERENCE: non // CALLING SEQUENCE: N/A // INPUTS: none // OUTPUTS: none // DEPENDENCIES: none // RESTRICTIONS: none // HISTORY: none ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _ABI_CONST_H_ #define _ABI_CONST_H_ //PHYSICAL CONSTANT const double PIc = 3.1415926; const double DEG2RAD = 0.017453292; const double RAD2DEG = 57.295780; const double PLANCK_CONSTANT = 6.6260755e-34; const double SPEED_LIGHT = 2.9979246e+8; const double BOLTZ_CONS = 1.380658e-23; //terra //const float32 MOLOD_DB[3] = // {0.3160, 0.2377, 0.1609}; //aqua const float32 MOLOD_DB[3] = {0.3109, 0.2375, 0.1596}; /* constants for Rayleigh scattering */ const float32 RAYCOEFF0[10] = {0.33243832, -0.06777104, 0.16285370, 0.001577425, -0.30924818, -0.01240906, -0.10324388, 0.03241678, 0.114933340, -0.03503695}; const float32 RAYCOEFF1[2] = {0.1966292, -0.05439061}; const float32 RAYCOEFF2[2] = {0.1454937, -0.02910845}; // Default value for mean and Stddev const double MeanStdDev_Default=1.0E-20F; // Default value for missing data const double Missing_Value=999.9; // Land snow/ice NDVI-like threshold const double ABI_LndSIndvi = 0.01; // Land snow/ice brightness temperature threshold; const double ABI_LndSIbt = 285; // SUNGLINT ANGLE THRESHOLD const double ABI_SunGlint=40.0; //const double ABI_SunGlint=20.0; // Smoke over Ocean Detection Thresholds //Threshold of Reflectance standard deviation (3*3) at 0.85um const double SONCSTD086=0.003; //Threshold of Reflectance at 0.47um const double SONC047=0.12; //Threshold of Reflectance at 0.86um const double SONC086=0.055; //Thresholda of Reflectance at 1.6 um (using band 6 of ABI as proxy //const double SONC123_U=0.050; //const double SONC123_L=0.022; const double SONC123_U=0.045; const double SONC123_L=0.02; // Threshold of reflectance ratio of 0.47 to 1.6 um //const double SONCRAT1_1=5.0; //const double SONCRAT1_2=2.5; //const double SONCRAT1_1=10.0; const double SONCRAT1_1=10.0; const double SONCRAT1_2=5.0; //const double SONCRAT1_2=6.0; // Threshold of reflectance ratio of 2.25 um to 1.6 um //const double SONCRAT2_1=0.5; //const double SONCRAT2_2=0.3; const double SONCRAT2_1=1.0; const double SONCRAT2_2=0.6; // Smoke detection over land thresolds // Threshold of reflectance for 2.1um const double SLNC21 = 20.0; // Threshold of reflectance ratio of 0.47 & 0.66um const double SLNCRAT = 0.85; // Threshold of reflectance ratio of 0.86 & 0.66um const double SLNCVRAT = 1.0; // Threshold of reflectance StdDev for 0.66um const double SLNCSIG = 0.04; // Threshold of Brightness Temperature at 3.90um const double SLBT39 = 350.0; // Threshold of Birghtness Temperature difference between 3.7 & 11.0um. const double SLNC39_11 = 10.0; // Dust over Ocean Detection Thresholds // Threshold of reflectance StdDev for 0.86um const double DONCSIG = 0.015; //Threshold of Reflectance at 0.47um const double DONC047= 0.30; // Threshold of reflectance ratio of 0.47 & 0.86um const double DONCRAT1 = 2.0; const double DONCRAT2 = 1.5; // elevated dust //const double DONCRAT2 = 2.0; // Threshold of birghtness temperature difference between 3.7 & 11.0um. //const double DONC39_11_L = 4.0; //const double DONC39_11_U = 20.0; //const double DONC39_11_3 = 8.6; const double DONC39_11_L = 1.6; const double DONC39_11_U = 16.0; const double DONC39_11_3 = 6.6; // Threshold of birghtness temperature difference between 11 & 12um const double DONC11_12_1 = 0.1; const double DONC11_12_2 = 0.0; //const double DONC11_12_3 = -0.1; const double DONC11_12_3 = 0.1; // Threshold of NDVI const double DONCNDVI_U=0.0; const double DONCNDVI_L=-0.30; const double DONCNDVI_U1=0.05; // Dust over Land Detection Thresholds // Threshold of birghtness temperature difference between 3.7 & 11.0um. //const double DLNC39_11_1= 15.0; //const double DLNC39_11_2= 20.0; const double DLNC39_11_1= 10.0; const double DLNC39_11_2= 15.0; // Threshold of birghtness temperature difference between 11 & 12um const double DLNC11_12 = -0.2; // Threshold of reflectance at 1.378 um (or band26 from ABI) const double DLNC137_1 = 0.035; const double DLNC137_2 = 0.035; // Threshold of ratio of NDVI^2 to reflectance^2 at 0.64um const double DLNCNDVIN_1 = 0.08; const double DLNCNDVIN_2 = 0.20; // Threshold of ratio of R1a^2 to reflectance^2 at 0.47um const double DLNCNDVIN = 0.005; #endif /*_ABI_CONST_H_*/